TO: Clinical Sales Specialist Team at
FROM: Jessica
Abbey, Sales Specialist Manager at Genentech
DATE: October 26, 2012
SUBJECT: Commercial
YTD Sales Progress
The technique I used in the email was a deductive
approach. Since the email was a positive
message regarding sales performance, it was best to give the news first then
the details. After telling the team
about the 3rd quarter sales has increased, the details come
next. The rest of the email explained
other drugs that were approved and the specific sales percentage of each
drug. At the end of the email I gave the team a heads up on what everyone could look forward to and the goals for the next quarter.
The communication channel used was a one way, not face to
face, an email. I believe this was the
most effective way to portray the news because no response was really needed. My sales team could email me
back with ideas, comments, or questions if needed.
The outcomes of this communication method were very
successful. This was very effective
because the first paragraph in the email I was talking about the main points and
the good news. I congratulated my employees
on the increase of sales over the 3rd quarter then followed that by
the sales of each specific drug. The
sales team liked that I was sending them updates about the sales performance and
motivation for next quarter. At the end
of the email I said that if anyone has any further questions, comments, or
ideas please feel free to email me. This
made my team feel comfortable with asking questions about what was said.
Overall the communication was very effective.
Abbey, Becky. Clinical Specialist. San Francisco,
California. Personal Interview. 24 October 2012